[OSGeo-Conf] 2011 Stage Two

Lime, Steve D (DNR) Steve.Lime at state.mn.us
Thu Apr 29 09:47:39 EDT 2010

+1 on montion
From: conference_dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [conference_dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Jeff McKenna [jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 9:19 AM
To: conference
Subject: [OSGeo-Conf] 2011 Stage Two

I'm glad to see the discussions with the Denver, Bogota, and
ConferenceDirect groups.  I purposely did not comment/reject anything at
the beginning, because I wanted each group to have a fair say at this stage.


Thanks so much for offering your services.  I like your enthusiasm and
energy, and I hope that we can work with you (with a local partner) in a
future FOSS4G event.

Eduin/Bogota committee

I was happy to read your letter about your plan to host FOSS4G.  I think
the letter serves as a great introduction of Latin America to the rest
of the world, as a strong supporter of FOSS4G at both the state and
private sectors, as you mentioned.  (aside: I hope every OSGeo
conference committee member took the time to read the Bogota group's
letter)  I also appreciate you mentioning that you would like to have
Latin America considered as a region, to host the FOSS4G event; I agree,
Latin America and South America must be considered as a region to host
the event, so this is something that I will be sure to discuss with the
rest of the OSGeo conference committee members.

Eric/Denver committee

Your letter clearly outlines your very strong local committee team, the
experience of your partnering organizer GITA, and your raw enthusiasm.
I particularly like your goal of breaking attendance records; other
OSGeo conference committee members probably disagree with me there, but,
I am all for getting the good word out to as many as possible.  I am
looking forward to reading your 2011 proposal and budget.

Stage Two

I motion to the rest of the conference committee that the Denver team
proceeds to stage two of the 2011 hosting process - a full proposal and
budget.  The RFP asks for a North American event in 2011, and the Denver
team's initial plan meets all of our stage one desires.


Denver LOC will have until 23:00 UTC on 2010-05-21
year=2010&month=05&day=21&hour=23&min=0&sec=0) to submit a full proposal
and proposed budget.  I respect that the LOC would like to announce
sooner, but I think we need this deadline; however the sooner the Denver
team can submit their full proposal and budget, the sooner we can
comment on it and announce the decision.  I hope that is fair.

Thanks again to everyone involved (Denver LOC, Bogota LOC,
ConferenceDirect, OSGeo conference committee).

Chair, OSGeo Conference Committee

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