[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G 2018 Dar es Salaam Submission

Mark Iliffe markiliffe at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 09:15:26 PST 2016

Hi Darrell,

That would be very interesting, thanks - that's why we're hoping to work with Studio 19.



Sent from my iPad

> On 27 Nov 2016, at 16:54, Darrell Fuhriman <darrell at garnix.org> wrote:
> I’m happy to provide a copy of our budget that shows what we spent on everything.
> Hiring a company to do the recording was a huge weight off our shoulders – they had all the equipment, they worked with the venue to do setup, and we pretty much didn’t have to do anything except put the link on the webpage and pick up a hard drive with the recordings at the end. It cost us around $30,000.
> d.
>> - Recording: One thing missing from my old model budget (which you've worked from here) is recording. Recording has been so well done in recent years, and so important to capturing the value of FOSS4G, that it needs to be formally budgeted so it happens. This is a place former chairs could provide guidance and help?
>> In all, looks OK to me, particularly if the big line items (venue, food, A/V, Wifi, Recording) have had priced verified against the marketplace.

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