[OSGeo-Conf] Asking for help setting up foss4g-na TGP

Steven Feldman shfeldman at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 05:46:49 PST 2019

Hi Jody

In advance of the notification of the application for TGP support for regional events by Till let me provide some help omn the process.

Your starting point should be the TGP Cookbook https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Travel_Grant_Programme_Cookbook#Running_a_TGP <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Travel_Grant_Programme_Cookbook#Running_a_TGP>

Quick version
Work out your criteria (you need to have some criteria to thin down the number of applications which will inevitably exceed the funds available). e.g. if you only have 8 or 10 grants available and you get over 100 applications you need to have a quick and simple way to get the list down to 30 or 40 otherwise the work load on your team reading through all of the applications and trying to choose the best 10 will be unsustainable
Build those criteria into the application form (it’s easy to clone the Google Form that we created) in a way that lets you easily filter out non compliant or low priority applications quickly. Make sure that the intro text to the form clearly explains your criteria, processes and any conditions
Publish a page on OSGeo.org like https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/foss4g-2018-travel-grant-programme/ <https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/foss4g-2018-travel-grant-programme/> and add a link to it in the 2019 section on https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/foss4g-travel-grant-program/ <https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/foss4g-travel-grant-program/>
Make sure your TGP is widely advertised to reach targets who maybe aren’t on our normal channels
For a regional programme I would suggest that a team of 4-5 people would be plenty. 
4 voters should be enough to provide balance. it’s important that the selectors understand (and hopefully support) the selection criteria
One person will need to coordinate the process and issue the blind selection sheets to the selectors, they need not necessarily be a voter (perhaps a volunteer from the CC?)
You will need one member of the team to handle communications with applicants (Success, stand-by, sorry) and ongoing questions from the grantees (there will be plenty)
You will need someone to organise the financial disbursements (whether they are in advance or at the event) - this could be the finance person within the LOC

It would be great if one of the North American members of CC could volunteer to help you get a TGP set up or one of the people who participated in the selections for 2017 or 2018. If none of those are available I will try to help you.

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> On 4 Mar 2019, at 19:23, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am afraid my last email focused a bit too much on the application process which I did not realize is not yet approved by the committee for 2019.
> What I really need is assistance setting up a travel-grant-program in the short term, getting it on the website, and marshalling interested selection volunteers through a fair/balanced review process.
> I am seeking 2-3 experienced folks from the conference committee to join a similar number for the foss4g-na LOC. 
> To be clear we can start a TGP with the budget project we have in hand and increase the number of awards if the event is successful in applying to the OSGeo program.
> --
> Jody Garnett
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