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+1, great idea<BR>
even with lessons learned on the wiki, I reckon there has been too much reinventing of the wheel.<BR>
On Fri, 2011-10-14 at 21:52 +1100, Cameron Shorter wrote:
I suggest that we, the conference committee and interested people,
should organically start building a FOSS4G Cookbook.
The Cookbook should cover all the aspects of putting on a FOSS4G
conference, including such things as:
* Schedule coming up to the conference
* Budget
* Program
* Web Site
* Catering
* Venue selection
Initially much of the content for this cookbook can be drawn directly
from Lessons Learned from previous years. As more events are run, I'd
expect ideas to evolve and the Cookbook to grow with it.
I see two key advantages of such a Cookbook:
1. Access to such information will make it much easier for someone to
put on a FOSS4G conference
2. The Cookbook can be used as a baseline to guide deciding whether a
conference may make use of the FOSS4G brand. This will help maintain the
quality associated with the FOSS4G brand.
Do others see value in building such a document?
I'm assuming we should build the Cookbook as a wiki, but am happy to
hear suggestions for other collaborative tools.
If there is sufficient interest, I'll build a skeleton of the Cookbook,
and invite others to contribute content.
Gavin Fleming
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