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In my opinion it is better to give them what was requested and ask the Board to add the remaining budget in that of next year.<br>
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Maria <br>
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Ottieni <a href="https://aka.ms/ghei36">Outlook per Android</a></div>
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<div id="x_divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" color="#000000" style="font-size:11pt"><b>From:</b> Conference_dev <conference_dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Till Adams <till.adams@fossgis.de><br>
<b>Sent:</b> Monday, September 2, 2019 11:59:49 AM<br>
<b>To:</b> conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org <conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org><br>
<b>Subject:</b> [OSGeo-Conf] Motion: 2nd Call for TGP for local events / Applicaiton for Travel Grant Programme"OSGeo Oceania" 2019</font>
<div> </div>
<font size="2"><span style="font-size:11pt;">
<div class="PlainText">Dear Conference Committee,<br>
at FOSS4G in Bucharest I talked to John (see "CC") from the Oceania F4G<br>
and pointed him to the fact, that we still have 5.500 Us $ left on our<br>
TGP budget for 2019.<br>
I would better dedicate the money to them than letting it remain unused.<br>
The problem is little the time, as their conference will be in November.<br>
I would propose the following:<br>
We kick out a call for TGP Support very soon (the same that we already<br>
did in April - with no reply beside the Ocenaian Team). I would suggest<br>
John to answer that one as well and request for more support. If we get<br>
other applications, we have to discuss, if not, we can offer the<br>
Oceanian Team the rest of our 2019 budget.<br>
Any thoughts on that? Please vote until 8th of September.<br>
Am 20.05.19 um 14:23 schrieb Till Adams:<br>
> Dear CC!<br>
> after my email below no vetoes came in. This means, we agree to support<br>
> Oceania TGP with 2.500 US $, congrats to John and his team!<br>
> @John, please contact the board (as last year) for payment details.<br>
> Hopefully the moneyh elps to get at least some people over ;-)<br>
> Till<br>
> Am 13.05.19 um 13:49 schrieb Till Adams:<br>
>> Dear CC!<br>
>> Sorry, I did not giv a deadline for this motion. Up now, I received<br>
>> several "+1" votes and no vote against. If anybody want to express *not*<br>
>> to support or has any questions supporting Oceanian TGP with 2.500 US $,<br>
>> please vote against until 17th of May.<br>
>> Till<br>
>> Am 03.05.19 um 06:46 schrieb Sanghee Shin:<br>
>>> +1<br>
>>> <br>
>>> ì‹ ìƒí¬<br>
>>> ---<br>
>>> Shin, Sanghee<br>
>>> Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company<br>
>>> <a href="http://www.gaia3d.com">www.gaia3d.com</a><br>
>>> <br>
>>> *보낸 사람: *Vasile Craciunescu <<a href="mailto:vasile@geo-spatial.org">mailto:vasile@geo-spatial.org</a>><br>
>>> *보낸 ë‚ ì§œ: *2019ë…„5ì›”3ì¼ ê¸ˆìš”ì¼ ì˜¤í›„1:32<br>
>>> *받는 사람: *conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org<br>
>>> <<a href="mailto:conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org">mailto:conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org</a>><br>
>>> *ì œëª©: *Re: [OSGeo-Conf] Motion: Applicaiton for Travel Grant<br>
>>> Programme"OSGeo Oceania" 2019<br>
>>> <br>
>>> +1<br>
>>> <br>
>>> -Vasile<br>
>>> <br>
>>> On 02/05/2019 17:35, Till Adams wrote:<br>
>>>> Dear CC!<br>
>>>> my email-call below lead to the application of FOSS4G-NA (which we<br>
>>>> decided fast, see my email on 27th of March) and since we have only<br>
>>>> received one more application:<br>
>>>> John Bryan from OSGeo-LC Oceania and their regional FOSS4G in 2019<br>
>>>> applied 2.5k US$ support of their TGP (In 2018 we supported them with<br>
>>>> US$ 2000).<br>
>>>> Our budget looks as follows:<br>
>>>> 25k US $ total budget<br>
>>>> - 15k US $ (global FOSs4G)<br>
>>>> - 2k US $ (FOSS4G NA)<br>
>>>> -----------<br>
>>>> 8k US $ open<br>
>>>> I would propose to fully accept the application of FOSS4G Oceania.<br>
>>>> That would leave us a rest of 5.5k US$ - for this we can schedule a 2nd<br>
>>>> call in June.<br>
>>>> Regards, Till<br>
>>>> Am 25.03.19 um 14:43 schrieb Till Adams:<br>
>>>>> Dear OSGeo community,<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> - sorry for the delay in the procedure -<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> The board dedicated the OSGeo conference committee a budget for<br>
>>>>> supporting travel grant programmes for our global FOSS4G event, but also<br>
>>>>> for supporting regional FOSS4G events.<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> We will share the budget, so that one major part will support the global<br>
>>>>> FOSS4G event, but there is still budget, with which we want to support<br>
>>>>> regional events.<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> As we have no clue, how many regional events will apply for support, we,<br>
>>>>> OSGeo's Conference Committee (CC) decided to first *call for<br>
>>>>> applications*. Depending on the number of applications, we decide later<br>
>>>>> whether selection is necessary and how to select events to support. What<br>
>>>>> we do not want to have is a "first comes, first serves", because that<br>
>>>>> would favour events, that take place earlier in the year.<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> Applicants should email the CC list with the info requested at [1],<br>
>>>>> please send your application until 19th of April.<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> If possible, it would be great if you would also number the amount of<br>
>>>>> support that you would like to receive.<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> When we see how many applications we receive, we will then decide<br>
>>>>> whether CC needs to set up a basic set of requirements for decision.<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> Till and Steven for OSgeo's CC<br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> [1]<br>
>>>>> <a href="https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Travel_Grant_Programme_Cookbook#Applications_to_the_Conference_Committee_for_OSGeo_support">
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> <br>
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>>>> Conference_dev mailing list<br>
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>>> <br>
>>> <br>
>>> -- <br>
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
>>> Vasile Crăciunescu<br>
>>> geo-spatial.org: An elegant place for sharing geoKnowledge & geoData<br>
>>> <a href="http://www.geo-spatial.org">http://www.geo-spatial.org</a><br>
>>> <a href="http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/geo-spatial">http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/geo-spatial</a><br>
>>> _______________________________________________<br>
>>> Conference_dev mailing list<br>
>>> Conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org<br>
>>> <a href="https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/conference_dev">https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/conference_dev</a><br>
>>> <br>
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>>> Conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org<br>
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