[OSGeo-Discuss] UK networking meeting idea - can we get the ball rolling?

SteveC steve at asklater.com
Mon Mar 20 04:38:18 PST 2006

* @ 15/03/06 06:12:51 PM mblackmore at oxlug.org wrote:
> Someone suggested that us Brits (as a 30 year expat Canuck I probably
> count as such by now...) should meet up.
> I'd like to start up this thread to see if we can organise a venue and
> date.
> As a total and utter newbie in GIS and geospatial wotsit I'd be
> interested in meeting other people with the intention of some shameless
> brain picking and scrounging of help, data and so forth, for the local
> environmental and community project I've said I'd volunteer to help out
> with. 
> I'm deeply ideologically comitted to open source computing etc. having
> been a linux/xBSD user for, erk, 12 or so years. Linux Users Groups have
> been a great resource for people finding their way into that operating
> system, particularly in the days before training courses existed. Open
> source stuff like geo data systems would benefit, perhaps, from
> emulating such a model...??
> Still not very expert at linux though - quite a shallow user! Without
> suse and yast I'm lost...
> Who wants to try and get things going for networking?

Yup I'd be up for it. OSM has events coming up too

> Somewhere easy and cheap to get too. As I've had to take early
> retirement and have 8 and 3yr old kids I'm main carer of, my income is
> sorely limited and my time constrained. So Oxford would be great!! Hint.

Oxford's fine for me.

have fun,

SteveC steve at asklater.com http://www.asklater.com/steve/

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