[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Mapping in Korea

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Mon Oct 23 08:33:09 PDT 2006

> Mark Lucas wrote:
>> Anyone aware of this?
>> http://www.asmmag.com/ASM/content/2006/ASM_037/main_news_3.html
> Great things happening in Korea vis-a-vis Open Source for mapping.
 From the article that the one above linked to:

'Meantime, GIS engine 'IntraMap/Web' by KSIC ((Korea geoSpatial 
Information & Communication CO.Ltd) was picked for its open source 

Anyone know anything about KSIC or IntraMap/Web?  If they're doing their 
own from scratch or if they're related to any OSGeo efforts?  Might be 
good to try to get in touch with them?  I couldn't find any reference 
online except for this story, a Korean language only site, and Adena: 
who also couldn't find an english site.


> Venka
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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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