[OSGeo-Discuss] OT: Book signing at FOSS4G

Markus Neteler neteler.osgeo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 05:47:11 EDT 2006

On 9/6/06, Schuyler Erle <schuyler at nocat.net> wrote:
> * On  5-Sep-2006 at  4:01PM PDT, Tyler Mitchell said:
> >
> > If you have my book, Web Mapping Illustrated, and would like me to
> > autograph if for you, I would be more than happy to sign yours at
> > the FOSS4G event next week.  Hunt me down anytime during the event.
> Naturally, that goes likewise for Mapping Hacks and Google Maps Hacks,
> if anyone's interested.
> Thanks for the reminder, Tyler.

We can do the same for the 'Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach'
book :-)


PS: The list of FOSS4G related books is here:

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