[OSGeo-Discuss] Software standards discussions => new list

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at lizardtech.com
Tue Aug 21 14:02:21 PDT 2007

A few weeks ago there was a flurry of discussion about standards-related
stuff, up to and including things like how OSGeo members might work with
OGC.  Since this is an area I know a bit about, and since I've talked to
some OGC folks about it recently, I'd like to see if I
can help us to try and see if we can reach some consensus as to what
OSGeo's goals, interests, and opportunites are.

A mailing list is now up: standards at lists.osgeo.org.  If this sounds
like a subject you're interested in, please subscribe and say hi.

Ideally, as a first step I'd like to see us get a handle the OGC
question.  In what ways do you feel you are restricted from working with
OGC today?  In what ways do you think OGC could benefit from OSGeo
members and projects?  Feel free to jump in and post your ideas /
thoughts / issues, and I'll try to get a wiki page going to eventually
stake out a summary of the collective hivemind.

If there's enough interest, we might get a BOF-like thing in Victoria to
have some live discussion too.


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