[OSGeo-Discuss] Integration test bed thingy at FOSS4G

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Aug 24 14:34:29 PDT 2007

Arnulf Christl wrote:
> Potentially the outcome of a previous workshop could be this WMS... 
> (dream on).
> We share Jody's hope that someone from the MapServer community is 
> actually setting up a WMS for or during FOSS4G.
> For example W05:  Tom Kralidis
> Environmennt Canada
> Daniel Morissette
> MapGears

It's a real shame that MapServer is not represented in the Integration 
Showcase (http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/FOSS4G2007_IntegrationShowcase)

I didn't realize that until just now.

Sorry to break your hopes, but the OGC Workshop (W-05) is not currently 
planning to produce the WMS service based on the showcase data that 
you're dreaming of. I guess we could/should rework it to do that, but I 
don't think I have the time.

My big problem is time... I'd love to see a MapServer WMS in the 
showcase and I really think that we're missing the boat if there is not 
one, but I have already got way too much stuff on my plate and cannot 
undertake that. I mean I could hack together a quick mapfile, but what 
we'd need is a mapfile that makes the data look really good and shows 
the real power of MapServer... and that will take time.

There are hundreds of MapServer users out there who could contribute 
that bit. If there is anyone interested in setting up WMS services based 
on the showcase data then please speak up.

Daniel Morissette

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