[OSGeo-Discuss] "Free"

Paulo Marcondes paulomarcondes at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 11:37:09 PST 2007

2007/3/2, Allan Doyle <adoyle at eogeo.org>:
> There are plenty of places Oracle can demo or hold a workshop. There
> are not so many places developers of Free and Open Source Software
> can do the same.
> Let the non-free companies come and learn about FOSS. I'm not sure we
> have to teach the FOSS developers about non-free software.

I think I agree with Allan here.

If Oracle people want to come, they are welcome.
But I think the time available to them might be better used even for a
BoFH-like event...(assuming they wilL advertise their own products)

As for Dave's point, my the whole issue of a foss4g (never been to
any, wanted to attend last year's) is to put together people that work
together _AND_ have a strong preference for Free/OpenSource software.

Paul, as for RMS, while I do not agree all the time with him, we need
to have the speech/beer issue quite clear at all times. And we have to
take a stand (at least on a personal basis - mine is speech)
Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
-22.915 -42.224 = GG86jc
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