[OSGeo-Discuss] Proposal Software Translation Portal

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Fri Sep 21 11:12:19 EDT 2007

Markus Neteler wrote:
> Hi,
> as you may know, some of the OSGeo software projects
> come with translated messages. E.g. GRASS has been
> translated (partially) into more than 10 languages.
> We (GRASS) have a dedicated mailing list for this and
> a translation manager who takes care of synchronization,
> update and message standardization.
> So far - so nice. But.
> We could gain more translators with a Web based
> solution (think rainy day and you just want to translate
> 10 messages and don't want to mess around with .po
> files from CVS and so forth).

Making use of the Translation Project might open the door
to the existing pool of translators who are already used to
working with .po files because they are already working on
translations in many languages for many projects.

Dave Patton

Degree Confluence Project:
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