[OSGeo-Discuss] Can I do the same GIS tasks with OS (as with ESRI)?

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Fri Apr 25 10:55:16 EDT 2008


Among the things that QGIS (and other open source desktops) can't do
are a table join, a spatial join, high quality paper output, and
symbolized thematic mapping.  Particular drawbacks of QGIS include the
single-threaded user interface model (ui locks during render, making
work with large files very stop-n-go) and relatively simple editing

I think it's contingent on us as evangelizers to not over-sell. I
would not recommend QGIS or any other open source desktop to someone
whose prior experience was Arc* until I had a clear understanding of
the use case. In response to the query "can I replace ArcView with
open source", my answer is "in general, no, but maybe for a specific
use case".


On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:37 PM, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Paul Ramsey ha scritto:
> > I'd buck up for a copy of ArcView (much cheaper than ArcGIS), and use
>  > GRASS / PostGIS / etc tools for things like analysis. You can use
>  > ArcView to generate the paper and do some quick low-end analytics and
>  > the other tools for more involved stuff.
>  A reasonably good replacement for ArcView is also QGIS (which integrates
>  nicely with GRASS, btw).
>  pc
>  --
>  Paolo Cavallini, see: http://www.faunalia.it/pc
>  Noi ci troviamo con parecchie difficoltà con NGI http://www.ngi.it/
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