[OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Feb 13 16:44:08 EST 2008

Jason Birch wrote:
> I like the idea Mateusz.
> I think I'd probably have to remove my blog from the list though, as
> I sometimes blog about proprietary software as well :)  How does this
> work for the other planets; do they allow wishy-washy open source
> proponents like me?

 From Wikipedia:

"planet sites are used by online communities to aggregate community 
blogs in a centralized location."

So, it's just an aggregator of blogs of a community members.

The OSGeo Community is pretty open and there is no formal membership - 
everybody invloved in FOSS4G initiavites is allowed to call herself an 
OSGeo member. So, in the OSGeo Planet idea, everybody involved in FOSS4G 
is welcome to add her blog to the Planet, without any artificial 
requirements ("post about FOSS4G or do not post at all").

However, I'd limit the OSGeo Planet to people who are involved in OSGeo 
activities in some way (users, speakers, developers, translators,
any other contributors). Just to keep some orientation to the OSGeo world.

And, I think there should be nothing wrong you will see a post that
someone's dog has a runny nose :)

Mateusz Loskot

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