[OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Thu Feb 14 16:58:40 EST 2008

Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
>> Perhaps we could mark out who on the planet is a Charter Member.
> "Charter members" aren't special in any way with respect to blogging, so
> I don't think it is a useful distinction to make.

no problem to me, I don't have a personal blog

I  was targeting Chater Members not for their "special status" but for 
the reason they have been elected.
Reading a little further what David suggests in Membership page[1]:

"Nominees for Charter Member status should meet the following criteria:

- The person should have already made a contribution to open source 
geospatial software.
- The person should be willing to put in time and effort on Foundation 
activities (e.g. perhaps joining committee(s), or volunteering in some 
other way that gets the foundation going).
- Members should believe in the general goals of the Foundation. To 
support and promote the use of open source geospatial software in a 
collaborative manner.
- Members selected should provide a diversity of geographic 
representation in the Foundation.
- Members selected should provide representation of a diversity of 
projects. For instance, we have a strong desire to see the "java tribe" 
well represented in the Foundation. We don't want the membership 
dominated by folks from just one project.
- Members selected should provide representation of a diversity of 
interests (eg. corporate, hobbyist, educational, scientific).
- Members should be prepared to works constructively and positively 
towards the goals of the Foundation. Good teamwork skills are an asset."

I think this criteria are what I would like to see represented in the 
blog of this community

my 2 cents

[1] http://www.osgeo.org/membership

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