[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Origins Of OpenJUMP

Andrea Aime aaime at openplans.org
Sat Jan 5 03:38:36 EST 2008

Richard Greenwood ha scritto:
> Landon,
> Thanks for taking the time to provide the detailed background on on
> the Jump family tree. Seems to me like the Java 'tribe' is a bit more
> fractured than the C 'tribe'.

I guess it can't be helped... the C tribe has usually one way of doing
things, that is, keep everything very simple and straight. The language
being quite unforgiving, you have no room for fancy implementations.
The same unforgiveness pushes people togheter: writing a working 
implementation (one that does the job without segfaults) it's hard,
so the idea of redoing stuff in a way you like better is probably
considered completely foolish.

Or maybe it's just my narrow view of the subject coming from a Java
programmer that escaped C because it was just too darn hard to
code using C tools ;)


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