[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Technology Group, Inc. announces PostGIS & UMN MapServer Training

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Fri Jan 18 03:27:28 EST 2008

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
> On 17-Jan-08, at 11:51 AM, Howard Butler wrote:
>>  I applaud OTG for developing a curriculum and providing training 
>> services to serve this market, and I think the osgeo-discuss is a 
>> perfect place for an announcement like this.
> I encouraged them to post here so others could know about this 
> opportunity.  :)  I'd love to know if there are more companies or 
> organisations out there presenting similar options.
> Please also note that the Education Committee is always interested in 
> finding more open resources to add to this list:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Educational_Content_Inventory
> Tyler

Hello dearest,
I was thoroughly misunderstood in both points. Excuse me for not being explicit enough, I will try again. 

1. It is my opinion that OSGeo Discuss should be free of any and all advertisement and I am surprised that Tyler even encouraged this, my apologies to Chander. OSGeo operates a service provider directory that is meant to help people find what they need, OTG is already registered there. If OSGeo allows people to use this mailing list to advertise their services we are going to end in hell sooner or later. There are hundreds of FOSSGIS businesses out there who would readily advertise whatever they are doing. How are you going to differentiate who may and who may not? To organize this we have the SPD. It still needs a lot of work (in my opinion) but it is a good start, yet another kudos to Frank Warmerdam for having started it. 

If I got this wrong and announcements of this kind are even wanted then the WhereGroup (and soon probably at least 10 more Germany based companies) will happily spam this list with announcements of curriculum and services. I just ask where to draw the line?

<please ignore if advocacy agnostic>
2. "Intellectual Property" is one of the most frequently used terms to fight, discredit and damage Open Source and business with and around Open Source. It also feeds one of the deepest misconceptions about Open Source - namely that Open Source (and all that uses and furthers it) is gratis because it does not exploit the legal concept of "Intellectual Property". Therefore I cannot refrain from commenting on people using it in contexts where I think they are damaging "our" Memes. 
</please ignore if advocacy agnostic>


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