[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Geo Database

Sampson, David dsampson at NRCan.gc.ca
Wed Jan 23 16:12:14 EST 2008

just as another note, as of GRASS 7 it looks like they will be moving their default DB format to SQLITE instead of the traditional DBF format
it might make sense to have a community effort contribute to this as a whole. The positive side is that there is already adoption of an OSGEO product as GRASS is moving in this direction. Determine a comon schema that can be shared around between projects and voila.
Or we could ignore this and then revist this same issue again in the future with no movement forward.
just thought I'd share.


From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Bob Basques
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 09:40
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Geo Database


Don't know the specifics about the engine being used, but we discussed using the Plone storage mechanism, a few times, for spatial data.  Just didn't seem like a quick enough payoff to try anything out.  At least not on the surface.

There was a thought that there might be something to start with though.


Miguel Montesinos wrote: 

	¿Does anyone know about similar projects using object oriented databases, such as db4objects[1], which is a GPL product with native engines for Java, Java ME, Mono, .NET, ...?
	[1] http://www.db4o.com/
	Miguel Montesinos
	Director Técnico
	C/ Conde Salvatierra, 34 - 10
	46004 Valencia. Spain
	e-mail: mmontesinos at prodevelop.es
	Tlf: +34 963510612

		-----Original Message-----
		From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org 
		[mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Frank Hardisty
		Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:08 PM
		To: OSGeo Discussions
		Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Geo Database
		David and All,
		A nice up-and-coming open Java geodatabase format is H2 + 
		spatial extensions.
		The H2 database is by the same guy that wrote that HSQL db. H2 
		has some good properties, most importantly, it's small (1 Mb), 
		works well in embedded mode, and is fast. Adding in spatial 
		data in JTS format, and providing a spatial index, is the 
		basic concept.
		Two implementations that I know of are
		1. The French research group IRSTV, lead programmer seems to 
		be Erwan Bocher.
		2. GeoTools has a H2 spatial module, written by Justin Deoliveira.
		Here's a link to the compiled jars:
		Both are under active development.
		On Jan 14, 2008 3:14 PM, Sampson, David <dsampson at nrcan.gc.ca> <mailto:dsampson at nrcan.gc.ca>  wrote:

			Hey Folks,
			Just wondering if there is still thought out there from the previous 
			thread about a portable and open geodatabase.  I came across the 
			nemesis project "an experimental finite element code. 

		Utilizes SQLite 

			to store, handle and retrieve geometry and analysis data. "
			Thought that might be a good place to start that is already using 
			geometry in sqlite.
			As for software adoptions it looks like GRASS already has an 

		SQLITE driver.

			QGIS looks hopeful. Here is a GRASS/QGIS-SQLITE tutorial 


			GDAL has some SQLITE http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_sqlite.html
			Just some more info for the fire.
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			Discuss at lists.osgeo.org

		Frank Hardisty
		hardisty at psu.edu
		GeoVISTA Center
		210 Walker Building
		Dutton e-Education Institute
		415 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building
		Discuss mailing list
		Discuss at lists.osgeo.org

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