[OSGeo-Discuss] Job Postings / Job Wanted

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Thu Jan 24 16:43:36 PST 2008

Mailing list
-mailman has already a moderation system

- surely a mess:
- to post something you need to know how Wiki syntax works
- moderation is so difficult because you don't have a cue and have to 
look at any change.

Web Form
- needs development
- needs moderation too
- doesn't offer public debate ("can you please refine your offer?!?", 
"I'm not sure what you want to say about...", ecc.)

my 0.02 € again

Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Landon Blake wrote:
>> I like this idea. But it means that someone has to volunteer to
>> moderate. :] Another similar suggestion would be to collect job postings
>> until there were X postings.
>> I think we could combine this with a wiki page. I would be willing to
>> maintain a wiki page for job postings.
> There is a risk that wiki page will turn into a mess.
> People want to filter, search, etc. through job postings.
> Also, it would be nice to have simple 3-5 fields form for submissions.
> Mailing list archives provide such options. Though, mailing list seems 
> to be/is spam prone.
> How much of work would be required to prepare form + generate job 
> offers listing on the website using Drupal features, as Tyler 
> suggested already?
> Perhaps it would be worth to spend some time to prepare small engine
> and than to organize long term maintenance procedure.
> Cheers

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