[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Elections 2008

jo at frot.org jo at frot.org
Thu May 22 08:43:17 EDT 2008

dear all,

It's time for OSGeo elections again. I'm Chief Returning Officer this year.


The OSGeo annual elections come in two phases. Firstly, the election
of new Charter Members to the Foundation. This group is in turn
responsible for electing members to the Board of Directors.

I intend to open nominations for 15 new Charter Members tomorrow,
Friday 23rd May 2008, for a period lasting one week, until the end of 
next Thursday, 29th May. Nominations should be in the form of a name,
email address and paragraph on why you are recommending the person,
and sent to cro at osgeo.org . 

Voting for new Charter Members can then begin next Friday, 30th May.

Please see http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2008 for links to the
details of the process and how it runs. I'll send followup reminders.



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