[OSGeo-Discuss] kicked the ESRI habit, now weening from Bentley MicroStation..looking toward FOSS4G

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Tue Oct 28 12:46:27 PDT 2008


2008/10/28 pyroGIS <pyrogis at gmail.com>:

> What I was naturally looking towards was using a QGIS frontend with the
> GRASS plugin and PostgreSQL with the PostGIS plugin..this seems to be
> somewhat of a standard for the Desktop GIS + Database duo from my research
> on OS GIS..right? Where I'm wondering about going next is down the whole Web
> Mapping road. What are your opinions on GeoServer vs. MapServer vs.
> OpenLayers?

Typically I use these three in combination with each other. There is
some overlap in functionality between mapserver and geoserver (they
are server side apps), openlayers goes on the client side and doesnt
really replicate the features of the former.

>Those seem to get the most love from the OS community ... should
> I skip worldKit? what about deegree?

Never used these so others on the list could probably answer better.

> I think I'll leave my rant at that for now - I am also interested in various
> other things like contributing to the OSGeo community..perhaps with
> documentation creation/editing, etc.

We are always looking for more help over on the QQGIS project and we
have a dedicated community team working on documentation who would
value your assistance getting our manuals ready for the upcoming QGIS
1.0 release. Its also a good way to get your feet wet before perhaps
moving on to becoming a QGIS developer :-)



>as it's quite obvious I'm not very well
> versed in computer science/programming..

Dont worry if you scratch around you will probably find  many well
known FOSS GIS contributors aren't computer scientists but got into it
via an itch they wanted to scratch....

Have fun


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
 * QGIS programming services
 * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
 * FOSS Consulting Services
Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

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