[OSGeo-Discuss] Shapefile lacking SRS information

Kjell Are Refsvik kjell.a.refsvik at hiof.no
Mon Sep 1 08:51:35 PDT 2008


We communicated briefly this summer on issues relating to the  
conversion and creation of geodata. Looking through the emails from  
earlier this summer, I am very thankful for the time you spent, and  
hope that I am not intruding by asking one more:

My status is that I am progressing to the point where I should be able  
to draw my own maps and have them included (mashed) with my web albums  
for photos soon.

I am using UNIX shell-scripts to draw the maps I need based on a  
shapefile converted to .csv and geodata extracted from my photos:


Trying to get hold of better maps, I have been trying to get some old  
shapefiles to work, but without success. They appear to have lost  
their Spacial Reference System:


...and I was just wondering - is it possible to repair them?

Best regards,

Kjell Are Refsvik
Graduate Student, Information Technology
Faculty of Computer Sciences
Østfold University College, Norway
email: kjell.a.refsvik at hiof.no
mobile: +47 405 50 454

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