[OSGeo-Discuss] georss reader

Rushforth, Peter prushfor at NRCan.gc.ca
Fri Sep 26 11:36:28 PDT 2008


Does anybody have an idea if such a thing exists?  I know I can view
georss in google maps, and from there via the maps api, as a network link
in google earth.

But I haven't found reference to a feed reader that supports georss.
I'm thinking about filtering feeds based on categories and geography, for example.

Any links or discussion welcome.


Peter Rushforth
Technology Advisor / Conseiller technique
GeoConnections / GĂ©oConnexions
650-615 Booth St. / rue Booth
Ottawa ON K1A 0E9
E-mail / Courriel: Peter.Rushforth at NRCan.gc.ca 
Phone / TĂ©lephone: (613) 943-0784 
Fax / telecopier:  (613) 947-2410

PS Have a great time in Cape Town!

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