[OSGeo-Discuss] Next 5 years for OSGeo

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Wed Sep 30 09:37:02 PDT 2009

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> I would instead express this as OSGeo needs end users (including their
> managers), and those interested in it's marketting (which I would prefer
> to call promotion) to get more actively involved and contribute.
Education activities are, of course, one form of promotion. There is 
some discussion in the Education group to try and develop a "core 
curriculum" around OS Geospatial technologies. For example, what 
knowledge/skills are needed for future OS Geo developers? What are 
needed for end users of OS Geo technologies? I don't think we should be 
competing with general GIS or GIScience curriculum, but rather focus 
specifically on OS Geo related knowledge and skills.

I can imagine the software developers are working flat-out. But is it 
possible that over the next 6-12 months there can be an effort between 
the OSGeo edu group, along with the software groups and the local groups 
together to try and establish some kind of specification of what we 
think a "core curriculum" or "core competencies" in OS Geo might be and 
then work toward developing open educational content that teaches these 

If this resonates with others email me and I'll build an interest list.

-- Charlie Schweik

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