[OSGeo-Discuss] european topographic data

Agustin Diez Castillo adiez at uv.es
Wed Aug 25 07:29:36 EDT 2010

The 30x30 m Nasa & Meti ASTER GDEM is avalaible for the whole world [1] 
[1] http://gvsigmac.blogspot.com/2009/07/aster-gdem-download-tutorial.html 
On Aug 25, 2010, at 12:28 PM, marco.donnini at tiscali.it wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm doing a work on Alps using grass.
> Somebody knows where I can 
> find a topographic map of Europe (or of the Alps area)?
> For the Italy I 
> found an italian web site, but I have no data for Austria, Switzerland, 
> France and NW Ex-Yugoslavia area.
> For the geology I saw the portal of 
> onegeology...
> Somebody can help me?
> thank you very much!!
> marco
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