[OSGeo-Discuss] spatialreference.org down?

Steven M. Ottens steven at minst.net
Thu Dec 30 10:54:04 EST 2010

  Hi Giovanni,

from the openlayers-dev:

> For the time being, I have turned off spatialreference.org, which is the
> site which is actually locking up the server. If we see more failures,
> we can look into it more seriously, but I expect that this should stop the
> server from falling over again for the time being.
> -- Chris

apparently spatialref interfered with openlayers.org


On 12/30/2010 4:44 PM, Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi all,
> does anyone know about the spatialreference.org site?
> I noticed that the site just show the following message:
> "This site is not operational for the time being."
> cheers
> -- Giovanni --
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