[OSGeo-Discuss] Geenral question about pinging a service for "aliveness" . . .

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Jan 24 11:17:03 EST 2011


I'm working on a system/services monitor, and got to wondering about how to best ping a map service without too much overhead. an "I'm Alive" function in the service would be the easiest way to approach it.  But that's probably not a viable thing to require.  I'm afraid of this getting too complicated when working across services as well, since the possible result types are so varied. 

I'm working on a MapServer (with WMS / WFS / KML) service first, but this would likely go to other services as well.  We're running GeoMoose, so each layer will be pinged and rated as well. 

The Client is simply a self updating HTML page.  But I'm wondering about how to set up the actual pinging process, what's the best thing to ask for, that can be readily examined easily in a dynamic fashion, without undue overhead. 

Also, if anyone knows of any PERL (or other CGI) type of product for this kind of monitoring I would be interested in taking a look at it. 



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