[OSGeo-Discuss] Live webcasts of the Third Open Source GIS Conference- OSGIS 2011

Connors, Bernie (SNB) Bernie.Connors at snb.ca
Wed Jun 22 06:09:07 PDT 2011

The live video link is not working for me.  I have tried it in Chrome 12 and IE8.  Anybody else having a problem with the live video link?

Bernie Connors, P.Eng
Service New Brunswick
(506) 444-2077
45°56'25.21"N, 66°38'53.65"W

From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Suchith Anand
Sent: Friday, 2011-06-10 13:08
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Live webcasts of the Third Open Source GIS Conference- OSGIS 2011

Dear All,

As done over the previous years, we have made arrangements for the live webcasts of this year's Open Source GIS Conference (OSGIS 2011) at the Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham  so that the excellent work done by the open source GIS community reaches more people across the world, have greater impact and benefit the wider community not just the conference delegates.

To view the live webcasts please click on the Live webcast link at the conference webpage at http://cgs.nottingham.ac.uk/~osgis11/os_home.html

The link will be active when the streaming starts (09:00 GMT on 22nd June 2011).

The conference provisional agenda is at http://cgs.nottingham.ac.uk/~osgis11/Agenda.pdf

We look forward to welcoming you for joining us in our vision and mission on further building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open data research.

Best wishes,


Dr Suchith Anand
Centre for Geospatial Science
The Nottingham Geospatial Building
University of Nottingham  NG7 2 TU
Tel: (0)115 82 32750

Mission - Building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data research for bridging the digital divide

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