[OSGeo-Discuss] New AcidMaps with Geoserver plugin

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 04:54:00 EDT 2011

Looks cool.
Are there plans to move acid maps code into the geoserver code base at 
some point?
 From a packaging and sales story, it will be much easier to install and 
use acid maps if it comes default with GeoServer.

(I'm thinking about the best way to include acid maps in OSGeoLive 
http://live.osgeo.org )

On 31/03/11 08:54, Mauricio Miranda wrote:
> Hi there!
> We finally released the new version of AcidMaps [1] with a great change, it works as a Geoserver plugin.
> That means you can use your own configured WMS layers to build Heatmaps, Isolines and other interpolated maps ON THE FLY!
> The team has been working hard and we made a complete rewrite of the core, optimizing the process to make them faster and more accurate.
> Behind that, we build the Geoserver plugin to make AcidMaps easier to use and more "OGC like".
> Caution! The plugin depends on Geoserver 2.1 (Beta release). The previous releases are not yet supported.
> For who doesn't know about AcidMaps:
> * AcidMaps is an open source library that generates interpolated images from a set of valued points in real time.
> * It's can be used to generate advanced visualizations with point datasets: (e.g.: sales, temperature, atmospheric pressure, population, etc...)
> You can see a full demo [2] built using Flex/OpenScales where you can play with the parameters to see different results.
> It is deployed in our own local server and it could get stuck quickly, so please be patient...
> If you want to give it a try with you own data, take a look to the Quick Start instructions [3], it is really simple!
> There's a reference doc [4] where you can get more details.
> Please, let us know your opinion because it's still in beta and your experience will be very helpful.
> [1] http://acidmaps.org
> [2] http://acidmaps.org/flex/index.html
> [3] https://github.com/XoomCode/AcidMaps/
> [4] https://github.com/XoomCode/AcidMaps/wiki
> --
> Mauricio Miranda
> Chief Development Officer
> http://www.xoomcode.com
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
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