[OSGeo-Discuss] 52N WPS 3.0 released

Ann Hitchcock a.hitchcock at 52north.org
Fri Apr 20 03:41:22 PDT 2012

The 52°North Geoprocessing Community announces a new major Web Processing
Service release. The 52°North WPS 3.0 includes the WPS Client API 3.0 and
introduces a new WPS Process Development Kit for the 3.0 Version. Large
scale improvements in stability and performance make this WPS more
comfortable to use.  <http://www.r-project.org/> "R" users can now
dynamically upload and expose R scripts as WPS processes. R is a language
and environment for statistical computing. A common set of classes and
methods for spatial data in R have lead to the development of a set of 70+
add-on packages for spatial statistical analysis in R.

New features include:

*	additional 85 Unit tests covering all parsers, generators and WPS
requests modes
*	more parsers, data bindings and generators
*	redesigned configuration
*	the use of "official" mime types and schemas.

Several bugs were eliminated and an extended set of tutorials [1] is now
available for setting up the 52N WPS, creating new processes, as well as
executing and exporting the processes. A complete list of the changes is
available [2].


*	the 52°North WPS 3.0 binary:
*	the "WPS-3.0" source code:
*	the WPS Process Development Kit for 3.0:
*	the WPS Process Development Kit tutorial:
*	the WPS Client API 3.0 tutorial:

WPS test instances are available at:

[1]  <http://52north.org/communities/geoprocessing/wps/tutorials.html>



Ann Hitchcock

52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24

48155 Muenster, Germany


tel. +49 (0)251 396371 -21

fax: +49 (0)251 396371 -11


a.hitchcock at 52north.org



General Managers:

Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk

Local Court Muenster HRB 10849


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