[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Meeting Summary

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Dec 13 13:24:51 PST 2012


One of my aspirations as president has been to describe the actions
of the board to the broader community after each board meeting.
I haven't been doing to well so far, but I shall try to do so now.

We had a board meeting (by IRC) today.  The agenda, minutes, etc
appear in the wiki (Cameron may not yet have added the minutes):


Major items from the meeting:

1) We approved a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the
Geomatics Laboratory of Como Campus of Politecnico di Milano
(Italy).  In the last couple of years we have made great progress
establishing or linking with open source geospatial labs at a
variety of educational institutions.  This effort has been lead by
Suchith Anand from the University of Nottingham.


When we establish these relationships we normally appoint
one or more contacts on behalf of OSGeo to a joint advisory
committee.  Anne Ghisla has agreed to look into whether we
have been doing that properly and who it ought to be in this

2) I stepped down as President.  I've found I don't have as much
initiative for the role of president as I'd like, and it was my intention
anyways to bring new blood into the role of President in the not too
distant future.  So I decided to expedite things and Jeff McKenna
has very kindly agreed to take on the role of President with the
support of the board.

I'm not going away, and will continue on the board and answering
info at osgeo.org questions with Jeff also assisting now.  Jeff has
great enthusiasm for OSGeo and is very active around the world
promoting the open source geospatial community and supporting
it through efforts including MapServer documentation, MS4W and
the Zoo Project.   I also count him as a valued friend of many

3) Last year the board had a very constructive face to face meeting
in Seattle and we discussed whether to hold a one this year.  We
did not come to a firm conclusion though we are considering a
meeting alongside FOSS4G-NA this spring.

4) Daniel Morissette, or Treasurer, has been working very hard
to regularize our 501(c)3 (charitable) status with the IRS (US tax
service) and provided some brief updates including the response
document at:


5) We also declared the board meeting of 2012-08-20 as our official
AGM (Annual General Meeting) for purposes of corporate reporting.
Normally the AGM is where a new board of directors is elected but
since we do that by email our AGM is somewhat nebulous.  So we
declared the board meeting at which those election results came into
effect as our official AGM for reporting purposes.

Our next board meeting will be held January 17th.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Software Developer
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