[OSGeo-Discuss] DARPA-funded short-term incubator for geospatial data analysis

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Wed Jul 25 09:57:45 PDT 2012

Sorry, I left out the most important bit:

	DARPA is very supportive of open source -- as a means of doing things cheaper, bootstrapping faster,
	fostering collaboration, and promoting extensibility.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael P. Gerlek [mailto:mpg at flaxen.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 9:54 AM
To: OSGeo Discussions (discuss at lists.osgeo.org)
Subject: DARPA-funded short-term incubator for geospatial data analysis

DARPA and George Mason University are running a very novel, incubator-like opportunity for small teams of people interested in a chance to pursue radical new ideas in the areas of geospatial and visual data analysis.

If you've got an idea for something truly different in the geo data world, and would like to spend 8 weeks exploring the idea with a $50K budget, you can find more details and background here:


Deadline is July 31st, so act fast! 

[disclaimers: it is being run by my former boss at DARPA and I'm a member of the review committee]


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