[OSGeo-Discuss] Board nomination: Gérald Fenoy

maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it
Fri Aug 16 02:00:12 PDT 2013

Dear All

I would like to nominate Gérald FENOY for the OSGeo Board of Directors

Gérald is promoting, using and developing FOSS4G with passion since 2004.
He has a very global and generic vision of both the Foundation
activities and its software projects.
Gérald has a keen interest in technical innovation which he manages to
leverage for both community and business related issues.

Gérald is committed to Open Source and is very willing to help the OSGeo
projects grow. As an example, he frequently funds OSGeo developers to
add enhancements to their software, for using in his personal projects
or those from GeoLabs, his geospatial consulting company based in France

Gérald co-founded the ZOO-Project (http://zoo-project.org) WPS plateform
back in 2008, is PSC chair and main developer of this innovative and
incubating OSGeo project. He also contributed to several projects
through the years including GDAL/OGR, MapServer and PostGIS, with
patches, translations, ideas and more.

Gérald is also a regular at the FOSS4G conference since 2006, where he
often gives workshops and talks. He also participated and helped many
times in several local chapters in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Gérald collaborates passionately with many Universities both in Europe  
and in Asia.

Gérald will be a great addition to the OSGeo Board of Directors. He
brings a wealth of experience and knowledge, regarding both coding and
open source good practices, but also about international collaborations
and community management.

More info on Gérald:

Many thanks and best regards to All of You.


Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
Vice Rector for Como Campus
Politecnico di Milano
Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALY)
Tel. +39-031-3327336
Mob. +39-328-0023867
fax. +39-031-3327321
e-mail: prorettrice at como.polimi.it
e-mail:maria.brovelli at polimi.it

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