[OSGeo-Discuss] 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: FOSS Session

"Peter Löwe" peter.loewe at gmx.de
Wed Jul 31 01:09:04 PDT 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract for the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting

Session IN016. Enabling Science Through Reuse of Data and Free and Open
Source Software

The deadline for abstract submissions is 6 August 2013. The 2013 AGU
Fall Meeting will be held 9-13 December 2013 in San Francisco.

See http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/

Session Descriptions:

IN016. Enabling Science Through Reuse of Data and Free and Open Source

Conveners: Jens Klump, Chris Mattmann, Robert Downs, Peter Loewe

Presenters will describe concepts and best practices for contributing
and adopting open source software to improve science and enable the
sharing and reuse of scientific data. Topics include the growing role of
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in science, infrastructure and
software evolution, successful applications, community models,
licensing, enabling interoperability, and concepts and best practices
for providing and communicating scientific software through code
repositories and publications.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the AGU Fall Meeting 2013.


Peter Loewe

<peter.loewe at gmx.de>

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