[OSGeo-Discuss] Results of community voting for additional workshops at FOSS4G 2013

Steven Feldman shfeldman at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 07:18:13 PDT 2013


Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll for additional workshops at FOSS4G 2013

The results of the community vote are at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmwShPAd7pU4dG5SbUwwcldHWnZ4dUY2VlE3cEZqaUE#gid=0

We have managed to schedule 2 rooms for additional workshops during the main conference which gave us capacity to select the top 32 hours of workshops as voted for by the community, they are coloured in green. We will schedule these workshops and show them in the overall program as soon as we can.

Don't forget the Early Bird offer closes at midnight on Friday (Brit time)



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