[OSGeo-Discuss] Trash Diffusion/Pick Up Mapping

Boris Mamlyuk (bmamlyuk) bmamlyuk at memphis.edu
Sun Mar 24 19:26:17 PDT 2013

Dear Open Source mapping colleagues,

I am a law professor currently launching a kickstarter campaign for a global open-source wiki-based app that will allow users to report trash to responsible parties (cities, college campuses, municipal groups, etc).

I will be turning to volunteers to help develop this app, background architecture, and everything else. It's a true wiki.
At this point, can you please support, link, and share this campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/one-click-global-wiki-based-trash-reporting-app/x/2681806

Also, would you be able to share your thoughts on the easiest, most user-friendly way currently out there to create a map layer that will draw on existing GoogleMaps/Wikimapia/OpenStreetMap municipal jurisdiction lines, and allow users to actually start putting responsible party information emails and so forth in data fields?

Thank you for your support!

Boris Mamlyuk, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Law<http://www.memphis.edu/law/facultystaff/bio/mamlyuk.php>
University of Memphis
+1-949-303-9058<tel:%2B1-949-303-9058> (tel)
letscleanapp at gmail.com<mailto:letscleanapp at gmail.com>
CleanApp<http://cleanitapp.org/> wiki
Indiegogo <http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/one-click-global-wiki-based-trash-reporting-app/x/2681806> fundraiser
Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/boris.mamlyuk> (personal)
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