[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Workshop selection

Matt Walker walkermatt at longwayaround.org.uk
Fri May 10 08:31:54 PDT 2013


There has been a discussion on list recently about the workshop selection
process for FOSS4G 2013 so the LoC thought it appropriate to try and
clarify the process. Firstly we must apologise for not sending
acceptance/rejection emails before the program was published, that was due
to a miscommunication on our part. Hopefully everyone that submitted a
workshop proposal should receive an email in the next few days.

Unlike the main paper selection the workshop selection is not currently
included in the community voting system but instead carried out by the LoC,
and in this case the Workshop Team. We've tried to ensure that selection
was done on merits of the topic to appeal to a wide audience.

The criteria we evaluated on included:
- A good balance of introductory and advance sessions
- Does the workshop, fit with the feel of the conference?
- Would this appeal to a new audience?

While it's too late for this years event on reflection it may be
appropriate to consider adding the workshop selection to the community
voting model. I'll add a note in the lessons learnt to that affect.

We're now focusing on firming up venues for the Workshops and Code Sprint
and ensuring we have infrastructure in place to make the event a success.



Matt Walker
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