[OSGeo-Discuss] "Geo for All - Open GIS Mentoring Program" ideas welcome from the geocommunity

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun Jul 5 01:48:26 PDT 2015


Last year  at University of Nottingham , i initiated an OpenGIS Mentoring Program and funded through the FP7  THE ISSUE  http://www.theissue.eu/ . The  mentoring program enabled us to bring in colleagues from other organisations to work closely  for short periods at Nottingham for building up  collaborations.

Some examples below:

·         The Integration of GIS, Open Source and Sustainability of the Environment - Dr Rossella Nocera (University of Molise, Italy) and  Dr Teresa Raventos (University of Leicester)

·         OpenGIS Capacity Building for Local Authorities - Dr Agata Ciolkosz-Styk and Pawel Kwiatkowski ((IGiK, Poland) and Fatima Manjra (Leicester City Council)

Both University of Molise (Italy) and IGIK (Poland) have since then expanded their research and teaching in Geospatial Science and now working for  establishing Open Source Geospatial Labs. .The mentoring program helped us to build long term research collaborations in OpenGIS with the participating organisations.  These mentoring programs have been also useful to build long term research collaborations with organisations for H2020 bids etc.

So i would like all our labs globally to start thinking of this mentoring idea to help other universities in your region/country to contact to enable mentoring opportunities and future collaborations. So we welcome ideas/inputs from all (including those who wish to establish Open Source Geospatial Labs) on how we can expand this mentoring idea globally.

Best wishes,


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