[OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Conf] Code of Conduct in Real Case

clement at igonet.fr clement at igonet.fr
Wed Jun 24 23:26:14 PDT 2015

Why don't the women take the place and the power by themselves?

Le 25 juin 2015 08:19:25 UTC+02:00, Darrell Fuhriman <darrell at garnix.org> a écrit :
>> On Jun 24, 2015, at 20:35, Darrell Fuhriman <darrell at garnix.org>
>> This is false. Simply false. If people are abused out of a line of
>work until they quit, that’s not “women choosing other jobs” anymore
>than me walking into your house, punching you in the face until you
>leave then claiming “He abandoned it” means it’s not my fault.
>BTW, I want to draw attention to the fact that this isn’t news. We’ve
>known this for a long time (the research below is from 2008), The
>problem is staring us the face, and a tremendous number of people in
>our community remain in denial about it. 
>Please read:
>Key quotes:
>“Our research findings show that on the lower rungs of corporate career
>ladders, fully 41% of highly qualified scientists, engineers, and
>technologists are women. But the dropout rates are huge: Over time 52%
>of these talented women quit their jobs."
>"So why do women leave science, engineering, and technology careers The
>answer comes in five parts. First and foremost, the hostility of the
>workplace culture drives them out. If machismo is on the run in most
>U.S. corporate settings, then this is its Alamo—a last holdout of
>redoubled intensity.”
>I realize this study is US focused, but I’ve seen nothing to indicate
>that the US is any way an outlier in these matters.
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clement at igonet.fr
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