[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo is becoming irrelevant. Here's why. Let's fix it.

Harish harry.om2000 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 23:44:25 PDT 2015

- A family need a Father, even if children are grown enough to run their
- If some problems are there in vehicle, it does not mean that vehicle
should be thrown out.

When I teach "Why QGIS", one big answer always is "It is an OSGeo product",
and it has a meaning. There are thousands of software available, some are
free some and some are open source also, but when they will turn to
commercial, no one knows. This fact always warn me for not using any other
product, except open source preferably with OSGeo Banner/Umbrella. So there
is always need of a charioteer to keep the horses in same direction. The
direction may be decided/changed with mutual consensus.

For a developer sky may be the limit, but for users like me OSGeo is the

Kind Regards
(H K Solanki)

Sorry for poor English
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