[OSGeo-Discuss] Help on patent infringement claim

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Apr 8 06:57:27 PDT 2016

Good morning Andrea,

Not off-topic at all if you ask me.

I didn't look up the patents that you referred to, but FYI there is a 
Wiki page where we document prior art and other facts related to 
webmapping patent claims:


Hopefully you find some info in there that can help you, and I'd invite 
you to update the page with whatever relevant info that you find 
relating to those other patents.



On 2016-04-08 9:09 AM, andrea antonello wrote:
> Dear all,
> this might be slightly off-topic (I think not).
> In a couple of companies a few years ago we developed a fleet tracking
> software all based on open source software.
> The mobile android part is basically a customization of geopaparazzi,
> the server side base on the usual open webmapping stuff (bare with me on
> this oversemplification).
> The project had some internal issues and we never really came to an
> official release, even if the website went online to be used for
> commercial purposes.
> A few weeks ago we were contacted by one of those "innovating" companies
> that do nothing else than buying patents and search project from which
> they can gather money.
> Needless to say that our project has been targeted.
> HydroloGIS, our company, is part of the Open Invention Network, so we
> first asked them for support. It is obvious that a small company as ours
> gets scared quickly from a letter claiming patent infringement and
> possible litigations.
> We are now trying to document the (very superficial) claims we got (like
> having a map - Openstreetmap - visualized on a device), as OIN suggested
> us to. One more thing we have been asked, is to gather as many articles,
> scientific or not, that deal with what the patent claims and that might
> be dated before the patent's date (patent has been filed in 09/2000 and
> granted in 11/2007).
> I know it is a long shot, but maybe some of you have already had to do
> with this and might be able to help, send some references.
> For reference the patents are:
> US 6754580 B1
> EP 1218697 B1
> Basically it is a system to track vehicles made up of a client (mobile
> device) and a server application.
> If you have papers, articles, anything related to that at hand, please
> let me know.
> Thanks for any help,
> Cheers,
> Andrea
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Daniel Morissette
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