<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">Dear All,<br><br>We are happy and elated to announce that <span>OSGeo</span> has been <span>accepted</span> once again as a <span>mentor</span> <span>organization</span> for GSoC 2025.<br><ol><li style="margin-left:15px">The list of <span>accepted</span> organizations is at [0]. Our <span>OSGeo</span> GSoC 2025 application is available at [1].</li><li style="margin-left:15px">Please note the Potential GSoC contributors (Student + Professional) discuss application ideas with the mentoring organizations from February 27 - March 24, 2025. So, be ready to be flooded with queries by potential contributors in the coming period. :-)</li><li style="margin-left:15px">GSoC contributors will be able to register and submit their applications from March 24 - April 8, 2025. All proposals must be submitted by April 8, 2025, at 18:00 UTC.</li><li style="margin-left:15px"><b>Mentors of the projects who have already updated their ideas in the <span>OSGeo</span> GSoC 2025 ideas list, kindly fill out the Google Form [2] so that we can start sending the invitations.</b></li></ol></div><div dir="ltr">We still have time for more projects to participate with ideas [3].</div><div dir="ltr"><br>It is a good opportunity to:<br> • Add functionality to your projects.<br> • Attract more contributors participating in the projects, times they become long-term contributors.<br><br><span>OSGeo</span> projects, Incubating projects, and community projects are welcome.</div><div><br><b>Note -</b></div><div dir="ltr">If you are interested in joining the <span>Organization</span> Administration team and have been involved with the <span>OSGeo</span> GSoC initiative in the past with rich experience, please reach out to us.<br><br>[0] <a href="https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2025/organizations" target="_blank">https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2025/organizations</a><br>[1] <a href="https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_Application_2025" target="_blank">https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_Application_2025</a></div><div dir="ltr">[2] <a href="https://forms.gle/kypMgDY3ih4jUoS69" target="_blank">https://forms.gle/kypMgDY3ih4jUoS69</a><br>[3] <a href="https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2025_Ideas" target="_blank">https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2025_Ideas</a><br><br>Stay tuned for further instructions on the next steps and be prepared for another geospatial GSoC with <span>OSGeo</span>!<br><br>Regards,</div><div dir="ltr">Ashish<br><span>OSGeo</span> GSoC Admins</div></div>