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In case you havn't seen this in <A href="mailto:discussion@lists.osgeo.org">discussion@lists.osgeo.org</A>, here's a cut/past<BR>
Hi all<BR> <BR>Alas I found a group that share my interests. It feels like I've been a long time under way. <BR>I found you through TifLib. I've been looking for useful information about how to access data in geoTiff, and there it was.<BR> <BR>I have a general interest in 'visualisation'. That would mean anything from doing small drawing programs to 'fast and furious' 3d-graphics showing georeferenced data. I am an amateur programmer, with emphasis on amateur and in the low Visual Basic (VB) league as such .. that doesn't prevent me from having a good time or creating something usefull. I started doing VB 20 years ago in the MS Office Excel attachment and is currently using a free version of Visual Studio 2010. The net.framework that spans the gab between coding-languages makes it difficult to take the final jump and become a 'real' programmer (in C# or C++).<BR> <BR>I'm well educated, in part as a ceramican, in part as a sedimentary geologist - and very unimployed. Don't acuse me for abusing an easy-to-use educational system 'cos I would not be able to defend myself. I succeeded in getting some 'fast and furious' graphics up and running a good year ago. It was a new and encouraging experience to get hold of USGS DEM-data and achually watch it in the program. Getting the higher resolution of the public aster-data has become a natural target, but getting to watch fast and furious DEM in the first place sort'a overextended my abilities. Getting to understand Tiff/geoTiff and how to approach it programmatically has become a priority.<BR> <BR>... so, I'll be lurking to see if I can get a gist of where how and what <BR> <BR>Kindly<BR>Carsten Troelsgaard<BR> <BR><BR>                                            </body>