[OSGeo-Edu] getting edu material ready for public consumption

P Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 13:40:03 EDT 2007

Forwarding this to the entire list (as it was likely originally
intended). Please note, I have edited the subject like to be more
relevant to the topic.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Charlie Schweik <cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu>
Date: Apr 5, 2007 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Edu] edu meeting at FOSS4G2007

Hi all,

Sometime in May I will have my exercise materials (not the lecture files
since there are embedded copyright issues I need to work out) for my
Intro to FOSS GIS (QGIS .8/Grass plug-in) class ready to somehow connect
(formally or informally) to OSGeo's edu group. I'm planning on devoting
a research assistant this summer to help make this connection.

This raises the question again about some kind of peer-review process to
determine if this material might become officially "sanctioned" OSGeo
material. ***I have a bunch of exercises ready now that people from
OSGeo could review.*** Let me know how we might start this process.

And after this process is done, I'd like to hold a discussion with the
OSGeo.edu group on what I can do next on my end. I have a couple options
that I see:

1) Work to clean up the existing material so that they are more like a
completely self-study online set of modules, and try and figure out how
I convert powerpoint lecture material (on topics like georeferencing or
relational database concepts that may have copyright issues)
2) Develop other tutorials around other FOSS GIS tools,
3) Working to create the system/procedures to allow for new derivative
versions of my material to be created from the existing tutorials -- in
essence, the version control system for the material.

I'm open to hearing what the osgeo.edu community thinks is a priority.
Do we have anything on the wiki anywhere that is a kind of "prioritized
to-do list"? If not, is that possible to create? Also, I think that
trying to outline what various people are doing or planning to do over
the next year -- creating a modular .edu development system -- might be
useful, so that we don't overlap too much...



Associate Professor
- Department of Natural Resources Conservation (www.umass.edu/nrc)
- Center for Public Policy and Administration (www.masspolicy.org),
- Associate Director, National Center for Digital Government (www.ncdg.org)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-1824
Website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik

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