[OSGeo-Edu] SITIS 2008 - Track Open Source Software Development and Solutions (OSSDS)

Thierry Badard Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca
Wed Jul 2 11:01:36 EDT 2008

Please find hereafter a call for papers for a new track of the SITIS
conference dedicated to Open Source Software Development and Solutions.
Open source is more and more a subject of study in the scientific
community ... great!

It is also worth mentioning the "Geospatial software, services and
applications" topic with could be of interest for our community.

I do not know if there is an Indonesian local chapter but do not
hesitate to forward this call for papers to students, colleagues and
other lists if you think they can be interested in.

Sorry for cross posting,



             !!!Paper submission  deadline July 15th, 2008 !!!
                   *** Apologies for multiple postings ***
        Track Open Source Software Development and Solutions (OSSDS)

                The 4th International SITIS 2008 conference
                     November 30th - December 3rd, 2008
                             Bali Dynasty Resort
                               Bali, Indonesia
        (in cooperation with IEEE CS, ACM Sig App, IFIP TC 2 WG 2.13)


The SITIS conference is dedicated to research on the technologies used
to represent, share and process information in various forms, ranging
from signal, image, and multimedia data to traditional structured data
and semi-structured data found in the web. SITIS spans two inter-related
research domains that increasingly play a key role in connecting systems
across network centric environments to allow distributed computing and
information sharing.

SITIS 2008 aims to provide a forum for high quality presentations on
research activities centered on four main tracks. This track focuses on
new software engineering method for Open Source Software Development and
Solution (OSSDS) in distributed and large scaled environments,
strategies for promoting, adopting, using Open Source Solutions and case
studies or success stories in specific domains.

SITIS is also dedicated to bring together scientists from the world
over, particularly from developing countries, to share and exchange
knowledge, experience and research results. When the conference is
hosted by research institutions in developing countries, a particular
emphasis will be placed on the presentation of applied research, the
organization of practical tutorials and workshops that may help address
the information processing needs of these countries, and book give away
sessions to allow conference attendees to donate  books to the local

Important Dates:
Tutorial proposals                      July 15th, 2008
Paper Submission                        July 15th, 2008
Acceptance/Reject notification          August 15th, 2008
Final paper/registration                September 7th, 2008

Submission and publication:

The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials and regular and
workshop sessions. SITIS 20007 invites submission of high quality and
original papers on the topics of the major tracks described below. All
submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for
technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track
topics.  Papers must be up to 10 pages and follow IEEE double columns
publication format. All submissions are online at:

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and
published IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major
indexes. The proceedings will be mailed by the IEEE CS press directly to
registered authors after the conference. CD copies of the proceeding
will be available during the conference.

Selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in major

Track Chairs

Eric Leclercq, University of Bourgogne, France
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France


Software Engineering methods, users and communities interactions,
software development platforms

-	Architecture and patterns for OSS development
-	Testing and reliability of OSS
-	OSS development methods in distributed collaborative
-	Licensing and other legal issues
-	Documentation of OSS projects
-	CASE tool to support OSS development
-	Agile principles and OSS development

Open Source developments, project management

-	Ecology of OSS development
-	OSS stability, maintainability and scalability
-	OSS evaluation
-	OSS and innovation
-	Experiments, reports, field studies and empirical analysis
-	Open source for teaching software engineering / OSS and software
	 engineering education
-	Revenue models
-	OSS and security, security implication of OSS, security concerns
	 in using OSS

Applications domain, case studies, success stories

-	Open Source and SOA strategies
-	Open Source for critical applications
-	OSS in Grid and P2P environments
-	Tools and infrastructures for OSS development
-	Bioinformatics
-	Geospatial software, services and applications
-	OSS solutions for data intensive applications
-	OSS in scientific computing
-	OSS simulation tools
-	Open Source security tools

Steering Committee:

Djamal Benslimane, University of Lyon I, France
Richard Chbeir, University of Bourgogne, France
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
Albert Dipanda, University of Bourgogne, France
Roch, Glitho, Ericsson and Concordia University, Canada
Vincent Oria, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Emmanuel Tonye, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France

Local Committee:

I Wayan I Wayan Simri Wicaksana, Gunadarma University, Indonesia
I Made Wiryana, Gunadarma University, Indonesia

Program Committee:

Abdallah Al Zain (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Claudio Ardagna (Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Thierry Badard (Laval University, Canada)
Alberto Colombo (University of Milan, Italy)
Carlo Daffara (Connecta, Italy)
Ernesto Damiani (University of Milan, Italy)
Jesus Gonzalez-Barahona (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
Scott A. Hissam (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Stefan Koch (Vienna University, Austria)
Eric Leclercq (University of Bourgogne, France)
Gregory Lopez, Thales group, France
Björn Lundell, (University of Skövde, Sweden)
Sandro Morasca (Universita degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy)
Pascal Molli (University of Nancy, France)
Witold Pedrycz (University of Alberta, Canada)
Eric Piel (University of Delft, The Netherlands)
Eric Ramat (University of Littoral, France)
Sylvain Rampacek (University of Bourgogne, France)
Marinette Savonnet (University of Bourgogne, France)
Benoit Sibaud (France Telecom R&D, France)
Alberto Sillitti (University di Bolzano, Italy)
Megan Squire (Elon University, USA)
Marie-Noelle Terrasse (University of Bourgogne, France)
Frank van der Linden (Philips Healthcare, The Netherlands)
Christelle Vangenot (EPFL, Switzerland)
Kokou Yetongnon, (University of Bourgogne, France)


Prof. Thierry Badard, Ph.D.

Professeur au Département des sciences géomatiques
Chercheur régulier au Centre de Recherche en Géomatique
Chercheur régulier du Réseau de Centres d'Excellence GEOIDE
Chercheur collaborateur de la chaire de recherche
industrielle en base de données géospatiales décisionnelles
Responsable du projet de formation sur les normes
internationales en géomatique
Administrateur du projet open source GeOxygene

Département des sciences géomatiques
Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique
Pavillon Louis-Jacques Casault
1055, avenue du Séminaire
Local 1343
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

Tél.: (418) 656-7116 - Fax: (418) 656-7411
Courriel : Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca
Web: http://geosoa.scg.ulaval.ca


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