FW: [OSGeo-Edu] Edu-Com presentation materials

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Thu Nov 13 20:00:30 EST 2008

Hi Charlie,

Charlie Schweik wrote:

> 1. Sorry I've been out of touch. I had gall bladder surgery and have been
> behind ever since. I'm catching up and hope to renew group discussions soon.

Wish you a quick recovery after the surgery.

> 2. Venka - I have a 5 page Open Office Impress presentation that I put up at
> the OSGeo AGM. That would be a start. Or we could craft something together
> that would serve your needs. I'll send you that in a separate email. I'll
> try and put that out in our Subversion system.

Your OSGeo AGM presentation would be very useful. Yes, we can try to
put some things together. I am thinking in lines of the following
topic "Geospatial Education Using FOSS4G - Activitie of the
OSGeo Education and Curriculum Project".



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