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<p>> There's "Jornades de SIG Lliure" in Girona March 21-23 and, although it
<br>> is in Spanish and Catalan, perhaps we could use that for a workshop and
<br>> meeting(?). <a href="http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/">http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/</a>
<br>It's certainly a good location, timing and excellent local team, I'm +1 to let SIGTE group to coordinate a special day there.
<br>Now about other side of the ocean.  North Americans want to hold an event at the same time or go for the May dates Phil recocomended?  Either way I will gladly work on planning it but just want to nail the date first.  Thoughts?
<br>I'm not opposed to talking about it on a call/meeting, but hope to not wait for that to happen before getting started.  Time is tight, esp if a March event is desired.