[El] GDAL with PCRaster support, TinyOWS, mod_geocache in elgis-testing

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Tue Nov 2 03:57:08 EDT 2010

--------Mathieu Baudier <mbaudier at argeo.org> wrote--------
Subject: [El] GDAL with PCRaster support, TinyOWS,	mod_geocache in elgis-testing
Date: 31.10.2010 18:26

>the following contributions of the last few weeks have been merged in
>subversion and the related packages haven been built and deployed in
>Some notes for contributors:
>- especially for new packages, please try to build them in mock first
>(the one from CentOS, not from EPEL!), so that all build dependencies
>are in the spec file. You can find some mock config files here:
>Please don't hesitate to ask if you need support for your first mock
>builds: this is much easier than it seems, and very clean
>- for existing packages, please start from the spec file in
>subversion, so that previous changes are integrated:
Hi Mathieu,

could these notes be added to the Wiki for future reference? At least for me some of them are really new.
By the way: do we have only the Page http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Enterprise_Linux_GIS or can new pages be added, eventually with a common prefix?

>Many thanks for these contributions!
>el mailing list
>el at lists.osgeo.org


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