[El] About packaging JAI

Ralph Apel r.apel at r-apel.de
Thu Nov 11 03:51:28 EST 2010

Hi everybody,

I'd like to share my conclusions about packaging of Java Advanced

- source code is available, but may not be freely distributed (JRL, JDL)
- therefore, publish a src.rpm only, including a fetch script but no
sources proper
- accept failure of the fetch-script ( like 

fetch_src.sh %{version} || :

- thus permitting an individual user to have some prefetched tar.bz2 in
his/her SOURCES dir

- provide triggers to symlink jai-core.jar and jai-codec.jar into
any /usr/lib/jvm/java*/jre/lib/ext/

(BTW also provide triggers to symlink jai-imageio.jar into same

Ralph Apel

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