[ELGIS] Re: Enterprise Linux 6: what in EPEL? what in ELGIS?

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Wed Aug 10 03:58:56 EDT 2011

On 08/07/2011 11:47 PM, Volker Fröhlich wrote:
> Mathieu described the character of EPEL well. You can find in depth information
> here:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/GuidelinesAndPolicies#Package_maintenance_and_update_policy
> Sadly there are not a lot of active GIS packagers in Fedora. To package for
> EPEL, you have to become a Fedora packager. EPEL is just another build target,
> but with the policy constraints, as you can find above. Fedora basically puts
> no limit on packaging new versions. This is, what Mathieu refered to, saying
> "backporting".
> If you are interested in new or up-to-date GIS packages in ELGIS, it might be
> most effective to maintain it in Fedora. If you consider that an option:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_package_collection_maintainers#How_to_join_the_Fedora_Package_Collection_Maintainers.3F

This sounds reasonable. If it might be of any use, I would consider for 
myself to join in here. I still have to understand how much committment 
this requires. (Having Fedora installations for testing the packages, 
following on the ML, ....). I'll have a look to the mentioned links.

> Co-maintainers are welcome as well, of course! I'd also like to advertise
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GIS again.
> Reviews only take place for new packages or packages, that weren't touched for
> a long time. The review doesn't necessarily take a long time. I sometimes have
> reviews finished in a couple of hours. On the other hand, if you don't find a
> reviewer or encounter severe problems, it can take long.
> One last note: Everything that goes to Fedora/EPEL must be free (freedom). So
> no ECW or any other piece of software that restricts use or anything.
> Ad packes in EPEL 6: I'll try to introduce the putative QGIS 1.7 series into
> EPEL6.
> Ad intellectual property:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:Fedora_Project_Contributor_Agreement
> Volker
> Am Samstag, 6. August 2011, 10:17:24 schrieb Mathieu Baudier:
>> Hello,
>> I have synchronized locally the CentOS 6 and EPEL 6 repositories and I
>> plan to start working on some EL6 packaging over the next few days.
>> (For those like Micha and Peter we have already done some work on EL6,
>> don't hesitate to send me your spec files!)
>> Now comes the question of which packages should be maintained in EPEL
>> and which in ELGIS.
>> We already had some offlist discussions about it with Volker (who is
>> doing an incredible job with Fedora packaging! Most of what we do is
>> basically backporting his work).
>> But this is now time to discuss it openly and decide together on our
>> strategy.
>> There are two main benefits in maintaining packages in EPEL:
>> - this avoids the duplication of efforts and resources (esp. our time)
>> - since many have EPEL already configured this gives a wider access to
>> FLOSS GIS software
>> =>  people don't have to install an additional third-party repo that
>> they have to trust
>> The drawbacks are around the policies and procedures of EPEL:
>> - one cannot update base packages
>> =>  not a big deal in the short term for EL6 and anyhow we can always
>> keep the ELGIS Plus repository
>> - one has to go through certain release procedure with review, etc.
>> =>  probably good for the overall quality of such a huge repo, but may
>> cost more time than it is worth for a small "niche" field like GIS
>> - the intellectual property allocation of the work done is not
>> completely clear to me
>> =>  personally, if I do volunteer work I prefer the created IP to be in
>> the public domain or to belong to a non-profit like the OSGeo (that is
>> the case for contributions to GeoTools for example). Not a big deal
>> since we talk about FLOSS software, but still worth noting.
>> - apparently, once a version is introduced there should be only bug
>> fixes, no upgrades
>> =>  this is the reason there is currently a GDAL 1.7.x in EPEL.
>> =>  @Volker: don't hesitate to elaborate a bit on this constraint if I
>> misunderstood you
>> So far, we have tried to find a balance between the fast innovation in
>> FLOSS GIS and he stability and predictability of the ELGIS repos.
>> Our strategy is to perform significant package upgrades around the
>> minor releases (5.5, 5.6, 6.0, 6.1, etc.) of Enterprise Linux, with
>> bug fixes/enhances (micro versions) in between.
>> My personal taste would be to collaborate closely with Fedora and EPEL
>> in order to basically use the same spec files (or at least have them
>> very easy to merge) but keep our own pace for the most critical
>> packages (GDAL and deps, PostGIS, MapServer, GRASS, QGIS, etc.).
>> Thanks in advance for your comments, opinions and ideas!
>> Cheers,
>> Mathieu
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